When perfection
Fabrication & Welding
World class metal fabrication and welding for complex shapes and geometry
Sculpture Fabrication.
The 5th and Columbia Street sculpture in the fabrication shop at MI.
Metal fabrication and welding is one our core competencies. Machinists Inc., based in Seattle, Washington, has extensive experience in high end creation of industrial equipment, fabricating and welding stainless steel, aluminum, titanium and Invar. Our fabrication practices ensure top quality products, weather they be one of a kind or on going repetitive production. Machinists Inc. fabrication and welding processes are reliable with an overall quality and performance that lasts for years to come.
Aerospace Industry
Energy Sector
Marine segment
Research Labs
Transportation Sector
Specialty heavy manufacturing
MI builds quality into each project. From prototypes to production runs, all of our products must pass our stringent quality tests prior to delivery.
MI Welders and welding procedure qualifications conform to AWS and/or ASME standards and are certified by In-house Certified Welding Inspectors. The MI welding program is managed by a Materials/Welding Engineer who is also a CWI and life member of AWS.
If there is a need for large machining, prototype machining, replacement of broken parts, creation of assembly line spares or new equipment design, give the experts at Machinists a call for reliable handling of your project.
TANDM (Target and Diagnostic Manipulator) project
National Laboratory in California needed the type of equipment that MI builds, very large accurate vacuum tight chambers that were made out of Invar, requiring a custom MI process. We took Invar plates and roll welded them, making large Invar tubes.