About Machinists Incorporated (MI)
Machinists Incorporated has been solving complex machining problems since 1941. It is the largest precision machining shop in the Northwest specializing in single components to complete manufacturing systems 24/7.
Experts in welding, machining, precision gears and engineering
Precision machining for large and complex parts
Recognized for technology problem solving, Machinists Incorporated reacts quickly and reliably to deliver successful projects. World class welding experts, design and engineering professionals and large machine capacity provide MI the capability to be schedule driven at a competitive price. Turnkey projects, including integrated systems, and just in time delivery, accomplished from our 5 plants with over 250,000 sq. ft.
“Machinists Incorporated is committed to meeting our customers’ needs and expectations while providing World Class Quality and Service for the best possible value.”
Support For Large Projects
Machinists Inc builds, installs and tests complete systems, delivering turn-key projects. Machinists Inccan develop a materials pedigree with a build and heat treat plan. Machinists Inc has an in-place ISO 9001 system, meets ITAR requirements, and has a certified quality level system. Machinists Inc has processing support with a seamless array of services for project completion and project management teams for large projects.
A modern approach
Our Individualize high tech manufacturing IT system & combined with State-of-the-Art Equipment, such as our newest Laser cutter, our projects are tracked and completed efficiently and timely for our customers.
CAD Support
MI provides support for most major CAD and solid modeling programs, including CATIA, Unigraphics, PRO-E and Solid Works. Machinists Incorporated routinely uses customer supplied data to program many types of CNC machining equipment: 5-axis mills, horizontal and vertical boring mills, lathes and others.
Supporting Major Corporations
Industries served include aerospace, energy, marine, research and transportation. End-to-end services are provided to international companies such as Boeing, GE Aviation, Genie/Terex, General Dynamics, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. From the simple component to the complex system, MI’s multi-disciplined staff and state-of the art equipment and production facilities can meet your needs.